Ultrasound and Rhinomanometer Combi – Center 4000-M UTR 

The HOMOTH Center 4000-M series combines advanced ENT diagnostics into one device, offering tympanography, rhinomanometry, and ultrasound functions. This consolidation saves space and costs. Tympanography provides rapid impedance measurement for routine and clinical use, including a quick compliance measurement ideal for children. The device offers user-friendly operation, triggers the stapedius reflex, and adjusts middle ear pressure. Rhinomanometry offers versatile measurement methods adaptable via nasal olives or a face mask. Ultrasound assesses paranasal sinuses, serving as a safe alternative to X-rays, especially for sensitive groups. The HOMOTH ultrasound module features state-of-the-art technology, compliant data management, and electronic storage compatible with all Windows printers.

Technical Specifications

For technical data see specifications of Ultrasound US4000 and Rhinomanometer 4000-M